I can’t believe that it’s has been already 6 months since I took off and arrived in Indonesia. I decided to make it big and prepare a sneak peak to places I’ve visited and loved the most and which fulfilled my heart with unforgettable memories. It might inspire you to visit this beautiful country too 🙂
Somebody wise once said: “Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.” I must confess that Indonesia has never been my dream destination, but life circumstances can change rapidly and “the smallest step” can be 12 000 km 🙂
What matters is whether you are happy and satisfied, whether you have an opportunity for personal growth and your life is fulfilled with meaningful things. I’m so grateful, because Bali gave me everything I mentioned above, although it’s not easy all the time, but the real life begins behind the borders of our comfort zones. It’s just up to us whether we are brave enough to cross the borders and discover the unknown.
I hope you enjoy the video as much as I enjoyed the editing and compounding. Stay tuned – the best is yet to come 🙂
4. March 2016 at 10:24Gostei muito, keep up with the amazing life and all those simple moments
Michel Struharova
24. March 2016 at 18:55Obrigada, gostei o teu comentário também e vou tentar a continuar 🙂
4. March 2016 at 22:01Very nice video! Makes me want to fast forward and wish I was already in Indonesia! 🙂
Which music did you use on this video, really like it.
Michel Struharova
24. March 2016 at 18:52Thank you Lionell 🙂 Name of the song is Møme feat. Merryn Jeann – Aloha .
9. April 2016 at 13:54krásny blog a super články :))) tiež som si Indonéziu zamilovala..a aj som o nej urobila video ak by si mrkla budem rada: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h43i0f77NOQ ….určite sa na toto krásne miesto raz musím vrátiť. Ahoj, Lucka 🙂
Michel Struharova
9. April 2016 at 14:45Ďakujem krásne Luci! Video som si pozrela, fakt pekné – Indoška ponúka veľa kvalitného materiálu, len si je ťažko potom vybrať a zostrihať to, však? 🙂